

Durch die Einsichtigkeiten in der Stadt wurden Sichtschutzlösungen mit Hochstamm-Spalierbäumen und Cortenstahl-Elementen montiert bzw gepflanzt. Der Wunsch nach einem platzsparenden Gemüsegarten mit einem gemauerten Hochbeet verwirklicht. Die eingeplante Gartenbeleuchtung bringt ein ganz spezielles Flair als wäre das ganze Jahr Urlaub


The mission

The mission for this project was to create a modern and visually stunning website that would effectively showcase the client's products and services. I aimed to design an intuitive user experience that would engage and convert visitors into customers, all while reflecting the client's unique brand identity.

The outcome

After weeks of collaboration with the client, I were able to create a website that exceeded their expectations. The new website had a fresh and modern look that perfectly reflected the client's brand identity. We designed a user-friendly interface that made it easy for visitors to explore the client's offerings and learn about their services, while also incorporating custom graphics and animations to make the website more engaging and memorable.

The impact

The client was thrilled with the new website and received positive feedback from their customers and stakeholders. The website's intuitive design and engaging visuals led to increased engagement, longer visit durations, and a higher conversion rate. The client also reported an uptick in leads and sales, attributing it to the new website. The project helped the client establish a strong online presence and position themselves as a leading provider in their industry.


Website Design
Website Development



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